2017年5月5日 星期五


We are in a time of great change. America』s currency was captured in 1913. Her government was captured in 1933. This explains why petitioning our government has been to no meaningful avail. These corporations that masquerade as our lawful government have almost destroyed America . Top people in our government – including our military – know this. They have been waiting for the right time – to *help *take America back to our lawful government.

我們生活在一個劇變的時代。美國在1913年失去貨幣發行權(美聯儲成立),接著在1933年失去對政府的控制權(羅斯福政府上台。往後美國政府的內閣官員甚至是美國總統都由外交關係委員會的成員擔任) 。這兩個歷史事件足以解釋為何民眾向政府的請願活動一直都是徒勞無功。這些偽裝成合法政府的私人企業已經快要使美國瀕臨亡國。美國政府的高層人士和軍方的高階將​​領都知道這個事實。他們一直在等待合適的時機點;幫助美國回歸合法政府的治理。
In the very near future, we can expect a major, constructive change in our banking and currency systems. We can expect to see contingents of federal marshals – backed up by our active military – in the major seats of power. These military are not any part of a military coup. They are backing up civilian re-establishment of our lawful government.
We can expect to see interruptions in our normal way of life. This transition has been designed to minimize interruptions in vital services and our economy – minimize hardship. This will be accompanied by announcements in mainstream media. What we do not want – is for people to panic.
This is part of a worldwide operation whereby the non-aligned nations – those who are not part of the G20 – re-establish solid currencies.
There will be more announcements ahead and eventually through mainstream media, These have been calculated to slowly awake the masses to reduce panic.

翻譯:Patrick Shih

